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Wart Removal

What's the Worst about Warts?


Those ugly, annoying lumps of skin that seem to show up out of nowhere on your hands, feet, or even face?

We know it can sometimes be difficult to deal with the self-esteem issues related to having visible warts. The somewhat positive news is that while they are unattractive and might affect our confidence levels, most warts are not dangerous or harmful.

As if having warts isn't bad enough...

There are so many myths concerning warts; from scary stories about transmission through touching deodorant sticks, or at the supermarket checkout counter, to believing that cutting off a wart may result in getting more warts!

It's easy to become overwhelmed with all of the misinformation. While warts are certainly unflattering, thankfully most warts are harmless!

Warts may potentially be contagious...

And that potential risk of spreading warts, may cause you and those you are intimately near some embarrassment. So understanding more about what causes warts, may help you in finding safe solutions for getting rid of them.


In reality, warts are common skin growths...

Seen primarily on the hands and feet - warts are caused by certain viral strains known as human papillomavirus (HPV). It is possible in some situations, whereby warts could become very contagious. So it's important to take proactive steps in treating warts;

Otherwise they can persist on the body for one to two years.

That could be a long time to to carry concerns over spreading warts...  

The body's own immune system will eventually fight off the virus causing the wart to disappear, but some people may feel more comfortable being proactive in treating it. One may prevent warts from spreading by refraining from touching the wart or the skin around the wart and frequently washing one's hands. 

It is also important to not share items that may come into contact with warts, such as towels and razors. Wearing protective clothing or gloves can also help in preventing warts from spreading. 

While do-it-yourself-over-the-counter treatments might possibly work for some...

There are often times when professional medical treatment and consultation may be necessary or preferred.

If and when the virus has spread or if you have recurring warts; a consultation with a board certified dermatologist should be seriously considered. Ultimately, each person should assess their individual situation and discuss all of their concerns with a dermatologist before proceeding with a treatment plan. Many people might also feel better and maybe less worried; knowing that removal of the wart prevents them from spreading.

This should greatly reduce the stress of worrying about potentially infecting your loved ones; especially your children.

The bottom line is if you are aware that there are warts on yourself or another person, treatment methods should be taken immediately! Many people may feel relieved with the removal of warts. Chances are you may reinforce your confidence and maybe be relieved, relaxed and rejuvenated; knowing that you’re no longer potentially contagious.  One thing is certain:

Your appearance will improve sans warts!

Derm Texas specializes in wart removal and invites you to schedule an appointment to meet our professional and welcoming staff. Simply click the Contact Us box below. We cannot wait to serve you.





The above is general information and discussion about medical, cosmetic and surgical dermatology. The words and other content provided above, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed dermatologist or other health care worker. Derm Texas images, brochures, descriptions of procedures, websites and other advertising material are intended solely for illustration examples of our services and products and do not represent our patient or any individual or results.