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Acne Treatment

Acne is a common skin condition consisting of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, lumps, bumps, and/or any clogged pores that occur mostly on the face, chest, and/or back.

While teens are most commonly affected (often most severely as well), acne can affect anyone. Acne can cause mental health problems by distorting one’s facial features and crushing ones fragile self confidence at a tender age. While minor acne may go away with time,

severe acne can lead to permanent scars

Acne treatment can involve different modalities, including topical and/or oral medications, peels, and light/laser therapy. Our board Certified Dermatologist at Derm Texas can guide your treatment to find the best regimen for you. There are multiple combinations of techniques available to treat acne.

Dermatologists in general can provide guidance; from improving skin hygiene to prescribing the right regimen of medications to lessen the severity of outbreaks. In special cases, laser therapies and chemical peels may also be incorporated into a treatment regimen. Lastly, new technology exist to lessen or remove scarring from acne. Derm Texas specializes in these types of light and laser therapies. 


Oral and Topical Medications

Oral and topical medications available to treat mild to moderate acne are the backbone of any good regimen. These medications work by either decreasing your skin's natural oil production, or removing dirt and oil from the affected pores and skin.

Please allow us the honor and privilege of serving you and your family in provide excellent dermatology diagnoses for Acne and create a treatment plan just for you!

Schedule Your Acne Appointment Now



This above is general information and discussion about medical, cosmetic and surgical dermatology. The words and other content provided above, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed dermatologist or other health care worker. Derm Texas images, brochures, descriptions of procedures, websites and other advertising material are intended solely for illustration examples of our services and products and do not represent our patient or any individual or results.