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Psoriasis Affects more than 7.5 million Adults in the United States

It itches, it burns, it stings

and it is unsightly to see. It might also cause painful swelling, stiffness and pain in the joints and areas surrounding the joints. Usually symptoms of this bothersome and painful disease occur between the ages of 15- 25. Unfortunately psoriasis does not limit itself solely to those age groups. Men, women, children of all skin colors may develop symptoms as well.

Thankfully, one thing we do know:

psoriasis is not contagious

There likely may be visible signs of psoriasis such as raised scale looking plaques on the skin. While these plaques and scales are commonly found on the elbows, knees, and scalp, they might also appear on any part of the body. 

According to The National Psoriasis Foundation, possibly for many as about a third of those 7.5 million Americans affected, it may also cause extremely painful inflammation in one's body due to a condition called psoriatic arthritis. 

Another unfortunate mystery in dermatology

Like many chronic skin conditions and diseases, psoriasis may affect areas of your life other than your physical appearance. It may affect your emotional health, your relationships, and how you handle stress. It could even affect areas of your life that you wouldn’t expect, such as the clothes that you choose to wear or choosing not to go outdoors when it's too cold. 

Psoriasis causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal.


The good news is with dermatology care and solutions, there are ways one can manage psoriasis and thrive in life. And while there is no cure, there are more effective treatments for psoriasis today than ever before. This is where Derm Texas comes in to help you. 

Luckily there are many treatments for psoriasis

While results may vary, up to 90% of patients may see dramatic improvements with a treatment plan for Eczema. Treatments have shown to slow the growth of new skin cells, and often relieve itching and dry skin. Derm Texas' Board Certified Dermatologist (Dr. Kelly Warren) will review and recommend a treatment plan that is tailored for you based on the size of your rash, where it is on your body, your age, your overall health, along with your symptoms.

Common treatments may include:

  • Steroid creams
  • Moisturizers for dry skin
  • Coal tar
  • Vitamin D-based cream or ointment (prescription strength) 
  • Retinoid creams

Treatments for moderate to severe psoriasis could include light therapy; where our physician shines ultraviolet light on your skin to slow the growth of skin cells. One may also benefit from PUVA; which is a treatment that combines a medicine called psoralen with a special form of ultraviolet light. 

Remember, although there’s currently no cure for psoriasis, treatment may greatly reduce symptoms and ease pain. We at Derm Texas invite and welcome you into our practice and promise to provide you with utmost care and an extraordinary patient experience. 





Armstrong et al., JAMA Derm 2021 on Adults with Psorias


The above provides general information and discussion about medical, cosmetic and surgical dermatology. The words and other content provided in the information above, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed dermatologist or other health care worker. Derm Texas images, brochures, descriptions of procedures, websites and other advertising material are intended solely for illustration examples of our services and products and do not represent our patient or any individual or results.