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Allergy Patch Testing

Allergic contact dermatitis is an itchy rash caused by an allergic reaction to a substance (the allergen) that comes in contact with the skin.

Sometimes discovering the allergen is easy and does not require specific testing. The rash may completely clear up if the allergen is removed and no longer in contact with the skin. However, the rash will usually recur if the allergen is encountered again in the future. Successful treatment of contact dermatitis requires identification and removal of the allergen.

When identifying the responsible allergen is not so straight forward, dermatologists can perform a patch test to find out whether and which allergen may be causing or exacerbating the rash. Patch testing helps dermatologists identify which substances may be the source of a patient’s allergic reaction by producing a localized allergic reaction on a small, confined area of a patient's back.

At Derm Texas, patch testing utilizes ready-to-use materials that are placed onto a small disc (the patch) that is then taped onto your back (though other areas may be used depending on the number of materials tested). 

Patch Testing does not involve pricking, breaking or injecting into the skin.

Instead, the patches contain minimal amounts of classic causes of contact dermatitis. Multiple substances and patches will be tested based on your history and skin findings. Derm Texas will diligently search for less common substances. Test Patches can be added or removed depending on a patient’s individual case. Lastly, we could also be able to test your personal individual skin care products that you are using at home!

Schedule Now To Stop The Itching 



This above is general information and discussion about medical, cosmetic and surgical dermatology. The words and other content provided above, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed dermatologist or other health care worker. Derm Texas images, brochures, descriptions of procedures, websites and other advertising material are intended solely for illustration examples of our services and products and do not represent our patient or any individual or results.